The Spirit Behind Pinnacle
Did you ever wish you had a big rambling house on a pond with fruit trees and gardens – a place you knew and loved and could always return to? Are you interested in reducing your carbon footprint and your living costs? Do you want a home where you can raise your children in a multi-generational community? Do you love gatherings with family and friends, enjoying great food and stimulating conversation? Do you want to live in a place your children and grandchildren love to visit?
Pinnacle Cohousing at Loch Lyme Lodge was formed to create private homes and shared spaces that will help us meet those dreams.
Vision Statement
Members of Pinnacle agree that it is:
A place where friendships are important, the sense of community is strong and individual needs including that of privacy are respected.
A place where everyone meets their own regular cooperative work commitments as a way to help build and maintain community.
A place where members can visit or live, even into old age.
A place where the environment, aesthetics and natural beauty receive special consideration and where agreed upon ecologically sound design standards or guides for construction are known and followed.
A place where we will build on the existing land and physical structure.
A place where open discussion and democratic decision making about community issues is the norm.
A place where children are important people in the community.
A place where passion for making the world a better place is balanced with respect for informed and thoughtful discussion while difference of opinion is valued.
A place where diversity of background, lifestyle, career, work and family are encouraged and supported.
A place where great, locally grown and produced food is appreciated.
A place that will feel like “home” for members, even as they live in other places around the world.
All members must sign the Vision Statement upon joining.