Become a Member
Why might you become a Member?
In addition to the intangible benefits of being part of an intentional community, members also enjoy:
Visits to the community and the land on their schedule to swim or boat, garden, enjoy meals from the restaurant or bring picnic suppers to watch the sunset.
50% off lodging and dining costs up to $1,000/year (remaining balances carryover for three years)
Early-bird access to all bookings
The privilege to purchase existing cabins (or build homes, should we be able to build cohousing) under conditions set out in the by-laws.
There are three things one must do to become a Pinnacle Member:
# 1. Be accepted by current members
Our acceptance process requires at least one current member to recommend a proposed new member to the group. If no member already knows the proposed member well enough to make a recommendation, we invite the proposed member to spend time with us until we come to a point where a member can make a recommendation.
The existing members will discuss the proposed member and make a recommendation to the elected Managers, who make the final decision. The more people in the group who know the proposed member, the more informed the decision-making process will be, but each current member need not meet prospective members before we decide. This has not been an arduous process in the years we have been operating. It seems that people self-select and, to this point, each person who has asked to be a member has been welcomed to join.
# 2. Agree with our Vision Statement (click to view)
New members demonstrate their agreement by signing Pinnacle’s Vision Statement making their agreement explicit before we accept a member’s initial capital contribution. We view a conscious decision to accept the vision statement as a commitment and like to make the time of signing a time for formal recognition and celebration of new members.
# 3. Make a capital contribution of $21,000
Our expectation is that when members leave, their capital contribution will be returned to them, under conditions set out in the operating agreement. Should the membership ever decide to sell the property, each member’s capital contributions will be returned to them only once all the mortgages and outstanding obligations are paid. Our financial records are open to all members and serious potential members, so please ask if you have any questions.
This page is a summary of information found in the Loch Lyme Lodge, Inc. by-laws. In case of confusion or difference, the bylaws control.